Is it me or is this country going down the toilet?
No I have not joined the ranks of Daily Tory-graph readers who blame the country's demise on the hordes of immigrants flocking to the UK to live a life of luxury on UK unemployment benefit.
No that's the least of the country's woes.
Increasingly I look around and cannot believe that this is the same country that once had a worldwide empire, a country that endured the might of the Luftwaffe's and the hardship of rations and wartime austerity.
From streets and countryside increasingly buried under discarded litter, to health and safety regulations that border on absurdity and a populace seemingly incapable of doing anything for itself unless regulated to do so by a nanny state that at times begins to look like Stalinism I now find myself calling the 1980s and the 1970s the 'good old days' in comparison!!!! (and how absurd is that?).
Today walking to my local Sainsbury supermarket at 7.30pm on the picturesque cobbled high street in the centre of Guildford I pass a drunk openly taking a piss on the steps leading up to the 200 year old Holy Trinity Church while two further drunks (middle aged and booze-hardened/weathered women) traded obscenities at each other. And this in a so-called ' no-drinking zone' where offenders face the prospect of a £500 on the spot-fine. LOL Naturally no police in sight (despite the omnipresent CCTV cameras) and naturally no-one said or did anything.

So decided to e-mail the council to complain... thought their response might make for an interesting and amusing example of all that is wrong in the country to my readers (if there are any of you).
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