The UK in 2006 spent 8.2% GDP on health of which 80.9% was government spending (incidentally putting pay to the lie that a) there is no private healthcare in the UK and b) if there is that it cannot compete with a monopoly provider). Finally as a proportion of the total government spending (the budget) the UK government spent 16.3% on healthcare.
The US by contrast in 2006 spent 13.2% GDP on health of which 45.8 % was government spending. As a proportion of the total budget the US government spent 19.3% on healthcare!
Ergo the US which has does not have a public healthcare system spent more taxpayers dollars on health than the UK government where we do have a public free-for-all health service.
Make of those stats what you want given the current debate on health care in the US.
(Stats are from the latest World Health Organisation report which some people will claim is a communist organization funded by the UN which itself wants to repress the rights and freedoms of the American public -- especially the ones who carry assault rifles to healthcare debates).

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