Thursday, 7 August 2008

You know you're getting old when...

I was going to start my first proper post by saying that I was in danger of becoming a grumpy old man, when suddenly I realised I was a grumpy old b**stard already. Aside from the salt and pepper stubble and the sprouting of nasal (and worse) ear hair I thought I'd begin my musings and rants with a random list of 'Signs you're getting old'.

  1. You can remember when Pop Diva Kylie Minogue was just the fresh-faced star of an Australian soap opera.
  2. You got a free half-pint of milk at primary school.
  3. You remember Batman, Star Wars and Indiana Jones the first time round
  4. You can remember when Madonna was every young boys pin-up rather than a dancing grandma
  5. You have no idea what is No.1 in the singles chart, and you no longer care
  6. Sportsmen and women are considerably younger than you
  7. Politicians are the same age as you
  8. You trade your left-leaning newspaper (The Guardian in my case) for something more sensible (The Times)
  9. You complain about the price of a pint passing £3.00 (I actually paid £4.00 the other day and nearly had a fit)
  10. You complain about music being too loud
  11. You have to get up to pee in the night
  12. You berate kids for behaving badly with the infamous “we didn't behave like that when we were children”
  13. You start going to bed early and, or waking up at hours unheard of 10 years before
  14. You notice you have a dental 'routine'
  15. You vote in local elections
  16. You buy a hat because you think you look good in it (and I don't mean a beanie or a baseball cap)
  17. Exercise becomes a necessity rather than a hobby
  18. Gin and Tonic becomes you long drink of choice
  19. You buy the latest hi-tech gadget, find you have no idea how it works and ask your neighbour/friend/sibling's children to show you instead
  20. You can remember when a Snickers bar was called Marathon


Kris, Skint in Europe said...

I can tick 8 of those boxes and I'm not 25 for another month. Not looking good for you! :-)

Jason said...

At least I am still younger than James Bond (phew). Daniel Craig is 40.

Anonymous said...

Ha, I'm only ticking nine boxes. Maybe because I'm so relentlessly immature...

Four knicker for a pint is a bloody outrage though.

Jason said...

Ah I can remember a pound a pint in my students' union. It was grotty, the floor stuck to your feet and they didn't serve tea or coffee (no-one knew what a latte was).

Graham K. Brown said...

No.21: You still feel a slight tinge of surprise that the cigarette machine accepts those funny new £2 coins.

Anonymous said...

According to the 'Life counter' at the bottom of your blog, today is my 13,618th day. That seemed like quite a high number to me! Then I stumbled across this post and 12 boxes ring true! Here was I thinking that 30 something was young! Reality check, I guess ;-)