I was going to start my first proper post by saying that I was in danger of becoming a grumpy old man, when suddenly I realised I was a grumpy old b**stard already. Aside from the salt and pepper stubble and the sprouting of nasal (and worse) ear hair I thought I'd begin my musings and rants with a random list of 'Signs you're getting old'.
- You can remember when Pop Diva Kylie Minogue was just the fresh-faced star of an Australian soap opera.
- You got a free half-pint of milk at primary school.
- You remember Batman, Star Wars and Indiana Jones the first time round
- You can remember when Madonna was every young boys pin-up rather than a dancing grandma
- You have no idea what is No.1 in the singles chart, and you no longer care
- Sportsmen and women are considerably younger than you
- Politicians are the same age as you
- You trade your left-leaning newspaper (The Guardian in my case) for something more sensible (The Times)
- You complain about the price of a pint passing £3.00 (I actually paid £4.00 the other day and nearly had a fit)
- You complain about music being too loud
- You have to get up to pee in the night
- You berate kids for behaving badly with the infamous “we didn't behave like that when we were children”
- You start going to bed early and, or waking up at hours unheard of 10 years before
- You notice you have a dental 'routine'
- You vote in local elections
- You buy a hat because you think you look good in it (and I don't mean a beanie or a baseball cap)
- Exercise becomes a necessity rather than a hobby
- Gin and Tonic becomes you long drink of choice
- You buy the latest hi-tech gadget, find you have no idea how it works and ask your neighbour/friend/sibling's children to show you instead
- You can remember when a Snickers bar was called Marathon
I can tick 8 of those boxes and I'm not 25 for another month. Not looking good for you! :-)
At least I am still younger than James Bond (phew). Daniel Craig is 40.
Ha, I'm only ticking nine boxes. Maybe because I'm so relentlessly immature...
Four knicker for a pint is a bloody outrage though.
Ah I can remember a pound a pint in my students' union. It was grotty, the floor stuck to your feet and they didn't serve tea or coffee (no-one knew what a latte was).
No.21: You still feel a slight tinge of surprise that the cigarette machine accepts those funny new £2 coins.
According to the 'Life counter' at the bottom of your blog, today is my 13,618th day. That seemed like quite a high number to me! Then I stumbled across this post and 12 boxes ring true! Here was I thinking that 30 something was young! Reality check, I guess ;-)
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