The picture says it all really (it is genuine – taken post debate after John McCain left the stage the wrong way and had to double-back quickly).
Obviously the collapse of the economy has been a gift to the Obama camp shifting focus away from the one area where McCain and the Republicans were strong -- foreign policy.
Of course the polls are all over -- can Obama really be pulling ahead in places like West Virginia and North Dakota -- and the actual result is likely to be closer than the 10-14% the latest national polls are showing. But aside a major gaffe or a terrorist attack I really can't see McCain coming back.
Of course in many parts of the world with age comes great wisdom and deference. However in the debates and on the stump McCain just look so old compared to the youthful glow and charisma of Obama.
Throw into the equation a whole host of gaffes and well...
However the one thing that has stood out to me in the past couple of months is just how cool and calm Obama looks. He acts presidential... his presence reassures. If a crisis struck you can imagine him responding calmly, weighing the options before acting. as for old John McC and the Pit-bull, well do we want a hot-headed erratic in a time of global crisis?
Anyway if, to coin an old adage, a week is a long time in politics, then 19 days is an eternity.
Oh and back to the economy for a moment.... it seems all those bankers and traders around the world just aren't wishing hard enough... remember you have to believe in fairies for Tinkerbell to come back to life!!
As a Nader supporter, it annoys me to see the debates with only the main two candidates. He is a massively better debater, and has been working with people and their problems for all his life - he's like an experienced Obama, if Obama could actually get anything done!
I totally agree with what you said in regards to Obama's composure: The markets seized up a few weeks ago, and McCain cancels his campaign... then starts it again.. then focuses on his job as a senator.. then says its down to to Bush, sixes and sevens.
Obama meanwhile is calm, doesn't fluster, continues his campaign while reassuring the American people.
If Obama doesn't win this, then i will well and truly lose faith in the intellectual capacity of the population of the United States of America
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