Sunday, 21 December 2008

Lost in Virginia

Maybe I am running because I am bored? Hmmm well that or the jet-lag, either way another dawn run. The original plan was to run an 8 mile loop after yesterdays 4 mile loop. Well the best laid plans of mice and men and all that... I missed my turn-off and kept running until I passed a road that I had seen on Google Map earlier and knew was about 1 1/2 miles further along than the road I should've turned on. So I had to turn tail and retrace my steps. So my 8 mile run turned into a half-marathon by accident. And boy was it tough.

OK fitness wise I know I have this in me. 6 months of circuit training have given me the cardiovascular fitness I need, but my legs are not ready for this yet. After about 7 miles the knees began smarting, then the hamstrings and then the calf muscles. It didn't help that the route was very hilly -- "country roads take me home to the place I belong, west virginia, mountain moma" -- very apt.

At one point I did begin laughing hysterically for no apparent reason, at 10 miles I was singing Whitesnake - "Here I go again" at the top of my voice.. and at 11 I was praying for sight of Stevens Lane which meant I had 1 1/2 left to go. And people do this for fun!!

Still at least I have a mental idea of what a Marathon consists of, and I was able to eat a super-sized breakfast with no qualms... and Virginia is very pretty.

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Roanoke, VA

In Troutville, Roanoke, VA with Melanie's Dad and his 2nd wife for a few days before Christmas. Flight was delayed 4 hours! Of course the airline lied, as they always do. First it was 10 minutes, then 30 minutes, then an hour. Why do they do that! Grrrrr... come the revolution!

Went for a run this morning, about 4 miles. First time I've ever ran before breakfast. Actually enjoyedd it though my legs felt like lead for some reason. Quite hilly around here so it was a bit tough! Nice view of the mountains and of some ludicrously large houses. Its an affluent neighbourhood Troutville. Mind you I do wonder how Americans can be so 'neighbourly' when their houses are so far apart!!!

Also plenty of totally over-the-top Christmas decorations... houses lit up like Blackpool illuminations! And ample proof yet again that having money does not mean you have any taste..

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Marathon -- Progress So Far

Yup I am running a marathon -- the London Marathon in April next year to be precise.

By way of an update to all those who have sponsored me so far, and those thinking of doing so, I thought I'd give you a progress report.

It’s cold, it’s wet, it’s dark early -- welcome to England in the winter. Truly a miserable time to be doing any kind of outdoor exercise.

So for the most part I have been exercising indoors -- for those of you at Surrey you would have been able to catch me in circuit training 2-3 times per week.

Is it working -- well I've lost belly fat as none of my trousers fit me anymore! And I've dropped a few pounds too. That and my general stamina and fitness are definitely better.

I have also been venturing outdoors, freezing my ass off, but doing a regular 5K twice a week.

The plan is once I get back from Christmas state-side to begin a proper Marathon training programme but my running shoes will be in my hand luggage to the US and I will be keeping up a battle with the usual Christmas bulge.

For those of you who haven't sponsored me yet, please go here and give me some encouragement. I've a long way to go to meet my target of £1100.

For those who have -- thanks.
